Indecision – not a good place to be.
Mired in worry.
Lost and without a focus.
Feeling so alone as if no one understands.
Compared with your friends who all seem to operate with a ‘plan,’ you are floundering in “What should I do?” “What will help me?”
Make yourself a priority.
Sure. Easy for you to say. You don’t live with my responsibilities, my endless to-do list.
All the podcasts and self-help books talk about ‘putting on your oxygen mask first.’
If I knew how to do that, I would!
Taking the step to make yourself a priority and focus on your life is easier said than done.
That’s why I’m here.
Individual counseling sessions are a time-out from your busy, overwhelming life. A therapy session is devoted to providing you with the time and space to focus on your well-being and mental health.
Each session is an oasis in your week for talking through stressors, problem-solving, calming your nervous system, finding relief from past trauma, rediscovering yourself, and achieving personal growth.
All that?
Yes – one step at a time. One step forward from where you are to where you want to be.
If you could understand yourself, you would…
In individual therapy, you get to focus solely on yourself and go deeper to find a greater understanding of what motivates you, what holds you back, and how to overcome the barriers that get in your way. Gaining deeper awareness and compassionate connection to the most vulnerable parts of yourself will give you a sense of being whole and complete.
The topics are endless for us to explore in individual therapy. If you experience any of these, we’ll tackle them: Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Life Transitions, Grief, Interpersonal Issues, Eating Disorders. If you have other issues, we’ll dig into those.
Individual therapy is all about you – what you need to feel better about yourself and look forward to the future.
Your time to thrive is now! Call me at (973) 325-0615.