Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Why would I need whatever this is?

Perhaps you experienced something that left lasting negative memories – EMDR could help. These memories could come from one event (think car accident, weather-related trauma, etc.) or a build-up over time of something like verbal abuse.

Often, the memory is long forgotten, but the painful feelings from that time are frequently triggered in the present. It takes you back to believing you are in that time again.

EMDR can help you heal from psychological trauma – as your body recovers from physical trauma.

The brain is a magnificent part of the body – but a memory can get stuck in the wrong compartment.

EMDR can help you ‘move’ the memory to where it should be housed… in a place where other memories from the past have no triggers associated with them.

You will not forget the memory, but it will no longer be debilitating.

As your body heals a wound, we can train the brain to heal the memory.

EMDR is an alternative to traditional talk therapy.

In EMDR, we focus directly on the traumatic memory and re-process the experience to store the memory in the brain in a way that reduces the symptoms you are facing.

EMDR is a highly effective treatment for healing a wide range of challenges, including depression, trauma, grief and loss, anxiety, low self-esteem, and sexual, emotional, or physical assault.

EMDR therapy enables clients to heal and reduce the symptoms and emotional distress resulting from distressing life experiences.

I’ve witnessed dramatic results in my clients who have engaged in EMDR therapy.

Stop the memories from ruining your day.

Contact me today: (973) 325-0615.

As a Certified EMDR therapist I’ll help you get started on a journey to healing you haven’t experienced before.